Our ears do not have the capacity to close themselves to protect against noise or regular noise exposure. Noise has negative impact on our auditive system but most of all on our health in general.
Excessive exposure or regular exposure to noise can generate stress, sleeping trouble, increase of the heart rate, cardiovascular diseases…
Excessive noise, or long-lasting exposure to noise at work or in the workplace for example can generate injuries on the ear, going from simple ear fatigued, ear drums whistling to complete deafness.
Deafness is rarely sudden; first symptoms appear after a certain period going from a couple of months to several years. Passing that critical period some sounds become inaudible.
Let us remind ourselves that sensitive cells situated in the internal ear once damaged cannot regenerate. Thus, becoming an irreversible auditory loss.
Our ear anatomy is made of 3 main parts
Outer Ear made of the eardrum, the pinna, and the ear canal.
Middle Ear Eustachian tube, malleus, incus, stapes,
Inner Ear composed of the semi-circular canal, cochlea, and the vestibule.